Cinematographer Gairo Cuevas presents HAZARD, an entertaining urban legend horror vignette. Jane’s car breaks down in the outskirts of a small town, and starts...
The official Nioh Twitter account has shared four new images from the “Kagama” stage in Nioh 2: 【ステージ-「桶狭間」】尾張東方の国境近く、切り立った山々に囲まれた窪地の一つ「桶狭間」。 見通しが悪いため、軍勢を伏せるのに適しており、行軍時の休息の場に選ばれることも多かったようです。 荒れ果てたこの地に吹き上げる谷風は、何者かの呻きのようにも聞こえます。#仁王2 #Nioh2 — 「仁王」シリーズ公式アカウント...
Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry’s Wonderland Retro is heading to Japan’s Nintendo eShop on September 17, 2019. The game, which originally released in 1999 on...
Monkey Island. Easily the best series of video games starring Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate. No others compare. Here, we see YouTuber Duccio Rocchi show...
WayForward have announced the official title for the fifth entry in their moderately popular purple-haired genie series: Shantae and the Seven Sirens. “…Shantae and the...