Legendary have graced us with another short clip from Godzilla vs. Kong, recently shared by IGN. I can’t help but wonder if that brief shot of Godzilla’s tail rising out of the water is a slight homage to the first form of 2016’s Shin Godzilla. Maybe? No?
“This Godzilla vs. Kong teaser should get fans of the upcoming mega monster mashup hyped for the upcoming release, which also is believed to feature fan-favorite [redacted].”
Well, Kong doesn’t look too happy being chained down while his opponent plays in the water, anyway.
I do believe he has seen better days. Godzilla vs. Kong is still on course to release in theaters and HBO Max on March 31, 2021, so get ready.

Founder and editor-in-chief of Atomic Lagoon. Spends his time changing aquarium water, feeding cats, and watching old monster movies in 3D.