Watch out for facehuggers, because an unexpected trailer just dropped for Aliens: Fireteam, a cooperative third-person survival shooter heading to consoles and PC this...
The Giant Leeches were grotesque mutant worms with a taste for human flesh from 1959’s independent B-movie Attack of the Giant Leeches. Briefly inhabiting...
The VegeMonsters, also known as Vege-Men, are bizarre humanoid vegetable creatures from the science fiction B-movie Invasion of the Star Creatures (1962). Grown in...
Fighting for the human resistance is old hat, so Reef Entertainment has added a brand new Infiltrator Mode to Terminator: Resistance, available exclusively on...
On the surface, 1962’s Invasion of the Star Creatures looks like any other scifi B-movie. Its poster evokes classic Atomic Age outer space shenanigans...